What is a Certified Standards Expert (CSE)?
IPC has created a new designation outside of the traditional Master IPC Trainer (MIT), Certified IPC Trainer (CIT) and Certified IPC Specialist (CIS). The new Certified Standards Expert (CSE) was added to fill the void for people who want a higher level of training without intending to train others. CSEs are not required to train others to keep their certification. CITs are usually employees of companies that train in house. CISs are typically part of the organizations direct labor force. CSE is the alternative to CIT for those who’d like the higher level of training but do not need or intend to be a trainer. CSEs will need to successfully test out to the enhanced policies and procedures, general knowledge and standard endorsement exams to certify. The CSE certification is valid for the same two-year term as all other IPC certifications.
The CSE designation allows companies to certify qualified individuals that have no need or are part of training programs to be the standards expert. These employees can now train in IPC standards at a high level of understanding without the necessity to keep up with CIT requirements of training others. The Certified Standards Expert training and knowledge will enable employees to improve quality, reduce defects and increase the company’s bottom line. Another added benefit is that once a CSE has earned certification in one standard, any subsequent standards will just need an endorsement. The endorsement of other standards will only require the applicant to test for the standard at a reduced cost.
Certified Standards Experts can certify in one or more of the following standards:
IPC 610, IPC 7711/7721, IPC 620, IPC JSTD, IPC 600
Is having a Certified Standards Expert (CSE) right for your organization?
– Does your organization already have an internal training program?
– Is this person’s primary responsibilities outside of that program?
– Do you need dedicated personal to be the in house expert to solve problems quickly?
– Are you using 2 or more standards within the organization?
– Does your quality department need expert insight on IPC Standards?
These are just some of the many examples of why training a Certified Standards Expert (CSE) may be right for your organization. Certified Standards Experts are highly knowledgeable in their standard and they will be a vital resource to any organization. CSE’s will be active members in continuous improvement actions, maintaining high quality and keeping updated with the latest IPC requirements. Training the right applicant as your Certified Standard Expert (CSE) will have a positive impact on your quality and profit. Let Circuit Technology help you achieve this important certification. Contact us at www.circuittechinc.com, [email protected] or 919-552-3434 for more information or to sign up now!